A message from our staff room parents: Peirce Staff Gift Fund is accepting donations.

In recent years, our community has established room parent roles for the Pierce specials teachers, specialists, and staff – to ensure this group of more than 60 individuals working in our school has parent support throughout the year.  Funds collected from parents are used by the room parents to purchase items selected by staff and to provide holiday and year-end gifts.  All purchases and gifts are recognized as being from the entire Pierce community. 

If you would like to contribute to this year’s staff classroom fund, please do so on or before DECEMBER 20 and include a transaction note indicating your contribution is for the specials/specialist fund (or both) using one of the methods listed here:

Specials teachers: Gary Nye teaches Physical Education, Georgia Smith teaches Art, Olivia de Geofroy teaches Chorus/Band/Music, and Morgan Harper teaches Library.

Specialists and staff include but are not limited to: English Language Learning specialists, special education teachers and specialists, instructional assistants, behavior therapists, math and literacy specialists, speech and language pathologist, occupational therapist, school psychologist, school nurse…and many more!

Thank you for your participation!  

Luis Velasquez-Heller (lfvelasquezgarcia@gmail.com), Jessi Champion (vinnychampionmd@yahoo.com), and Amy Ricigliano (aricig@gmail.com), Room Parents