Newton Public Schools will again offer COVID testing for students and staff during the 2021-22 school year. This year, NPS…
At this time, we are especially looking for additional volunteers to fill roles that start in the fall. If you…
Happy New School Year! After drop-off on FRIDAY, join us under the tent to celebrate with some coffee and carbs!
Good Afternoon, Due to technical difficulties, we had to change our meeting from Google Meet to Zoom. This is the new…
Dear Peirce Families, Today is the first day back for Peirce Staff, and we are busy getting ready for the first days…
When: Friday, September 10th, from 5:30-7:30pm (Rain date is Tuesday, September 14th) Where: the Peirce field Join us for our…
Dear Peirce Families: I hope you all had a safe, pleasant, and restful summer. I would like to introduce myself…
To provide parents and caregivers with the opportunity to ask questions and address concerns on the Back to School Plan, NPS…
Join us for our first community event of the year – the Peirce Back-to-School Picnic! Catch up with old friends…
Dear Peirce Families, I hope that the last day of school has gone well for all of you! As you…