Hi Everyone –
Unfortunately, due to the cool and rainy forecast for this Friday, June 9th, we have decided to postpone the Family Dance. The new date will be our last day of school, Wednesday, June 21st from 6pm-8pm. We apologize for this change and to anyone who is negatively impacted by it. Our hope is to have a beautiful, dry night to close out the year in an enjoyable way!
Advance Pizza Orders: If you have pre-ordered pizza and can NO LONGER attend on June 21st, please contact Joanne Pokaski by text at 617-416-5293 to let her know by June 17th. If you are still able to join on the 21st you don’t need to do anything, your order will be ready on the 21st.
Volunteers: If you signed up to volunteer to help and can no longer attend on the new date, please reach out to Jaime Mason: peircepres2@gmail.com.
Change is Good: If you were not able to attend the original date but are now able to attend on the 21st, you can still pre-order food here or sign up to volunteer by contacting Jaime Mason: peircepres2@gmail.com.
We hope to see everyone on June 21st!
Thank you,
Family Dance Planning Committee
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