Fun Run Donations Deadline This Friday (6/14)!

Now that your kids have run their hearts out, please don’t forget to have them hand in their collected donations and pledge forms by this Friday, June 14th.

Sponsors can donate per lap or a set amount.  Please make sure that your child documents all donations – cash, check, or electronic payment – using the Fun Run Pledge Form (Fun Run 2024 Pledge Form). This will ensure they get credit for funds raised. Forms can be given to Mrs. Carey in the front office.  The child who raises the most money gets to throw a pie in Mr. McVey’s Face!

All donations raised will be going to Mr. Nye’s chosen organization, the New England Wildlife Centers (, in honor of his retirement. Our fundraising goal is $6,000.  It sounds like a lot, but we have done it before!  We’re hoping each student can raise a minimum of $25.   Participation is optional.

We will announce the final amount raised once tallied and send all donations directly to New England Wildlife Center.

Thank you for your support!  We can do this!

Jordana Bluestein & Jaime Mason
Peirce PTO Co-Presidents

Check out for reminders, resources, and more!