Kick-Off Meeting for Peirce FORJ – Thurs, 10/ 13 @ 7:30pm

Interested in getting involved with Families for Racial Justice (FORJ)? The Peirce chapter of FORJ is a group of parents and teachers whose goal is to promote cross-racial connection and racial justice within ourselves, our families, our community, and the world at large. We meet as a whole group several times a year, and we meet as needed to plan initiatives and events in the following committees: Parent Communication, Student Awareness, Advocacy & Community Support and Multicultural Night. Our first whole group meeting of the year will be on Thursday, October 13th at 7:30 pm on Zoom. No matter your race, no matter your personal or professional experiences with racism / anti-racism, and no matter where you are in your racial justice journey, you are welcome to join us! To RSVP or for more information about getting involved at Peirce, please contact Lauren Dale or Claudia Arno. You can also check out the Peirce FORJ website and/or the city-wide FORJ website