Greetings to all Peirce families! Does your child have an IEP or 504 plan? Are you interested in getting support services for your child? Then you need to know about the Newton Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) at

We are a volunteer organization of parents whose children are in preschool through high school and are receiving special education services. Massachusetts law requires that each district establish a SEPAC to advise the school committee on special education issues, and to participate in the planning, development, and evaluation of special education programs. In Newton, members of the SEPAC board work directly with the administration by attend monthly meetings with the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services. Each school in the district has a SEPAC liaison who is available to answer questions and offer support to families. In addition, we run an online forum where parents can ask each other about programs, issues, policies, and resources, both within and outside of the public school system. 

Monthly SEPAC board meetings are open to all families and interested community members. The meeting schedule is listed on the website ( under the “Meetings” tab. You can join the Newton SEPAC online discussion group by the link on our website or by clicking here: Newton SEPAC Google Group. On this online forum, families can post any question or concern related to their child with educational differences. We also use this group to publicize relevant presentations, conferences, and Massachusetts DESE (Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) policy updates. 

Other ways to contact the SEPAC include:

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: Newton Special Education Parents – SEPAC

And sign up for citywide SEPAC listserv with this link.

If you are interested in learning more about Special Education in Newton, you can find information on the NPS website under “Departments and Programs”, then under “Student Services and Special Education”; get there directly by clicking here: Student Services and Special Education.

For more information about SEPAC or if you have any question regarding special education at Peirce, please contact our liaison, Elizabeth Tutschek Scott.