PTO Volunteers Needed for Fall Roles

At this time, we are especially looking for additional volunteers to fill roles that start in the fall.  If you are interested in serving, please contact us at [email protected]

  • Room Parent Coordinator – The room parent coordinator works with the PTO leadership to recruit volunteers, serve as a resource for new room parents, communicate expectations, maintain equity compliance, and offer suggestions to the Room Parents. The coordinator hosts a meeting (in-person or Zoom) in September to meet the room parents and answer questions.
  • Principal’s Coffee Coordinator The coordinators arrange and organize coffee and light refreshments for parents who attend the scheduled Principal coffee morning meetings. Members generally attend the meetings and help with clean-up afterwards.
  • 1st & 4th Grade Creative Arts & Sciences (CAS) Coordinators CAS grade-level coordinators must attend a mandatory orientation meeting in October. Grade-level coordinators transition programs that were selected in May/June of the prior school year. Coordinators ensure date, time, and location of events are confirmed and do not conflict with other events. Each grade-level coordinator manages one program per year. 
  • Safe Routes to School Committee Members – Members of the committee identify safety issues affecting routes to Peirce, and bring issues to the City of Newton’s attention to address.  They attend monthly citywide meetings for Safe Routes to School, and organize safe walk/bike-to-school events, including Walk to School Day on the first Friday of every month from October through June.