Friendly Reminder: The special election to vote on the proposed override in Newton is tomorrow, Tuesday, March 14th! We believe it’s…
Dear NPS Families, One week from today, Newton voters will make a decision on the two debt-exclusions and one operational…
Dear Peirce Community, Hopefully by now you’ve heard about the Override! We believe it’s an important issue that impacts our…
Next Tuesday, March 14th, Newton residents will be asked to vote on 3 ballot questions to provide additional funding for…
– – – Please Save the Date! On Friday, May 19th at 5:00 p.m., Peirce FORJ (Families Organizing for Racial Justice) will host…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFebruary 17, 2023 Media Contact: Tamika OlszewskiSchool Committee [email protected] Newton School Committee Selects Dr. Anna Nolin as Next…
Dear Peirce Families, We’re writing to ask for your support of the 2022-23 Annual Appeal for Donations to the Peirce…
On Monday (2/6/23), the Newton Superintendent Search Committee announced three finalists for the position of superintendent for the Newton Public School…
Come join us! A Soccer Ladies group for caregivers who want to play soccer and not just watch the kiddos…
Dear NPS Families, I write to invite you to an important forum on the 2023-24 (FY24) school year budget. This…