On Wednesday, January 18 at 7:00 PM, Interim Superintendent Kathleen Smith and members of School Committee will visit Peirce to…
As the holiday season approaches, we would like to assist students and families in our community that are in need…
Hello Peirce Families and Caregivers, Remember all that rain we wanted earlier in the summer? It’s finally arrived, and we’ll…
Dear Peirce Families, As has been shared in recent district newsletters, CIC Health, the contractor charged with implementing COVID testing…
Good Afternoon, Due to technical difficulties, we had to change our meeting from Google Meet to Zoom. This is the new…
Dear Peirce Families, Today is the first day back for Peirce Staff, and we are busy getting ready for the first days…
Dear Peirce Families: I hope you all had a safe, pleasant, and restful summer. I would like to introduce myself…
Dear Peirce Families, I hope that the last day of school has gone well for all of you! As you…
Dear Peirce Families, In this final week of the school year, we are celebrating all that we have learned this…
Dear Peirce Families, It was wonderful to see many of you during the last few days at events for Incoming…