The School Committee is still considering alternative ways to reallocate funding and minimize the impact of cuts due to the NPS budget gap of over $4M. It will meet again on Thursday, April 27th at 6:30 p.m. to consider and possibly vote on the NPS budget.
You can watch or listen to the School Committee meeting via Zoom: or Call-in Number: 1-646-558-8656, Meeting ID: 390 017 072
There’s still time to contact the Mayor, the School Committee and the City Council! If you (or your children) would like to contact Newton public officials to express your concerns about the lack of funding for our schools, here are the email addresses to reach every member of those entities:
- Mayor Fuller:
- Newton School Committee:
- Newton City Council:
Click here for our previous email with more detail about the budget gap, impact on our schools, and action steps you can take. (Note that it refers to some things that have already occurred.)