Hello Peirce Families, We would like to make you aware of a new IEP Form coming this fall and parent…
Now that your kids have run their hearts out, please don’t forget to have them hand in their collected donations…
Dear Peirce Families, It’s hard to believe, but the end of the school year is quickly approaching and planning for…
The annual Peirce back-to-school supply drive allows you to order a kit containing the exact school supplies that Peirce teachers…
Hey There Peirce Caregivers! Spring is in the air and we are thrilled to host the semi-annual Spring Fling Extravaganza—an adult…
For those new to the community, Peirce holds an annual Fun Run on Color Day in which the children run…
Mr. Nye is looking for parent volunteers to help run the Color Day Activities. Color Day is a spirited day…
Each fall, the Peirce PTO distributes a School Directory with a student’s design on the cover. If your student would…
Thank you to the more than 55 families who have contributed to this year’s Annual Appeal! We’ve raised more than 70% of our goal,…